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Jest Development

苍石 发表于:2020-11-09 14:58:42  最后编辑于:4 年前 263 Views

Jest Development

Jest is a delightful JavaScript Testing Framework with a focus on simplicity.


  • Learning about npm or yarn

In Normal Projects

Full reference doc links here

Install Jest

yarn add jest -dev

npm i jest --save-dev

Setup The Configuration File

  1. Create javascript file in the root dir & named 'jest.config.js'
  2. With this JS file, export the configuration we needed e.g.
    module.exports = {
        watchPathIgnorePatterns: ['/node_modules/', '/dist/', '/.git/'],
        testMatch: ['<rootDir>/src/**/__tests__/**/*test.js'],
        coverageDirectory: 'build/test-coverage',
        coverageReporters: ['html', 'text'],
        collectCoverageFrom: [
        rootDir: __dirname

jest --init command can help to create configuration file too.

Run With ES6

  1. Install babel
    yarn add --dev babel-jest @babel/core @babel/preset-env
  2. Create the configuration file named '.babelrc' in the root dir for babel
        "presets": [

More configuration reference doc here: Configuration Jest

Run Jest

  • Run all test:
  • Run all test while files changed
    # with git
    jest --watch
    jest --watchAll
  • Run all test & generator the code coverage result
    jest --coverage
  • We could add those commands to package.json
    "scripts": {
        "test": "yarn run test:all",
        "test:all": "jest",
        "test:watch": "jest --watch",
        "test:coverage": "jest --coverage"
    And the we could execute the command to run test
    yarn run test

Writing Test

Simple API

  • describe
  • it or test
  • beforeEach & afterEach
  • beforeAll & afterAll

More reference links here

Simple Matchers

Using the chain expression

  • expect method
    • receive one param as the expect result
  • toBe matches when equals
    • toBeNull matches only null
    • toBeUndefined matches only undefined
    • toBeDefined is the opposite of toBeUndefined
    • toBeTruthy matches anything that an if statement treats as true
    • toBeFalsy matches anything that an if statement treats as false
  • not
  • toMatch
  • toThrow

More reference links here

Simple Mocks

Using mocked function by using the api - jest.fn(func)

  • Using as the callback with function type params.
    • If you want to assert the callback params, you can get the callback first called params from mockCallback.mock.calls[0][index]
    • mockCallback.mock.results[0].value means the return value of the first call to the function
    • mockCallback.mock.calls.length means the mock function is called twice
  • Mock the return value (Using the chain expression )
    • mockReturnValueOnce
    • mockReturnValue

More reference links here

Modules Mock

Mocking modules by using this api - jest.mock()

  • jest.mock(moduleName, factory, options)
    jest.mock('../moduleName', () => {
    return jest.fn(() => 42);
    // This runs the function specified as second argument to `jest.mock`.
    const moduleName = require('../moduleName');
    moduleName(); // Will return '42';
  • moduleNameMapper property in jest.config.js
    module.exports = {
        // more...
        moduleNameMapper: {
            '^@module(.*)$': '<rootDir>/test/mock-module/$1'

Jest for Lightning Web Component

Install the jest plugins

yarn add sfdx-lwc-jest -dev

npm i sfdx-lwc-jest --save-dev

Create the test source dir

  • Using the commands - CLI Commands
    sfdx force:lightning:lwc:test:create -f force-app/main/default/lwc/myButton/myButton.js
  • Execute the action by using VS Code.

How to Test

Testing DOM

  • To testing the DOM of LWC, the first thing is to create the component while testing, createElement method can help us. e.g.
    import {createElement} from lwc;
    import myComponent from 'c/myComponent' // 'myComponent' is the custom component we are testing
            is: myComponent
  • Testing initialed HTML rendered content
    describe('c-jest01', () => {
        afterEach(() => {
            // The jsdom instance is shared across test cases in a single file so reset the DOM
            // The callback - disconnectCallback will be called
            while (document.body.firstChild) {
        it('Test initial content', () => {
            // create the element
            const element = createElement('c-jest01', {
                is: Jest01
            // while element appended, the connectedCallback method will be called
            // all the content is on the shadowRoot NODE
            const root = element.shadowRoot;
            const nameDiv = root.querySelector('.name');
            expect(nameDiv.textContent).toBe('hello world');
  • Testing the component with props
    it('Test props changed', async () => {
        const element = createElement('c-jest01', {
            is: Jest01
        element.content = 'Testing content';
        const root = element.shadowRoot;
        const contentDiv = root.querySelector('.content');
        // waiting the dom rendered
        await Promise.resolve();
        expect(contentDiv.textContent).toBe('Testing content');

For testing the dom, being better to testing with stateless components, the stateful components testing is relatively difficult

Mock Wire Service

  1. Get the data snapshot & save it in the target dir named as xxx.json file
  2. Using registerLdsTestWireAdapter set the target mocking
    import { registerLdsTestWireAdapter } from '@salesforce/sfdx-lwc-jest';
    import { getRecord } from 'lightning/uiRecordApi';
    // ...
    const adapter = registerLdsTestWireAdapter(getRecord);
    // ...
  3. While component initialed, call emit method of adapter to loading the mocked data
    import { registerLdsTestWireAdapter } from '@salesforce/sfdx-lwc-jest';
    import { getRecord } from 'lightning/uiRecordApi';
    it('testing mocked wire service', async () => {
        // declared the wire adapter
        const adapter = registerLdsTestWireAdapter(getRecord);
        // load the mocked data
        const mockGetRecord = require('./mockData/getRecord.json');
        const element = createElement('c-jest01', { is: Jest01 });
        // emit the saved data
        // wait the DOM rendered
        await Promise.resolve();
        const root = element.shadowRoot;
        const serviceNameDiv = root.querySelector('.service-name');

Testing Event Listener

Method - addEventListener in element to listen, jest.fn to mock.

it('Test event handler', () => {
    const element = createElement('c-jest01', {
        is: Jest01

    // create mock function
    const connectCallback = jest.fn();

    // listen connect
    element.addEventListener('connected', connectCallback);


    // the callback executed once

Mock Importing Modules

  • With moduleNameMapper in configuration
    1. Download the basic resources from lwc-recipes
    2. Create dir /force-app/test & zip above in it
    3. In the property moduleNameMapper
      module.export = {
          // other...
          moduleNameMapper: {
              '^@salesforce/apex$': '<rootDir>/force-app/test/jest-mocks/apex',
              '^@salesforce/schema$': '<rootDir>/force-app/test/jest-mocks/schema',
  • With jest.mock function

You can write the custom roles for all above

End-to-End Test

Jest is better for unit testing, using Selenium WebDriver or other tools for End-to-End Test

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